- total lethargy, and even though I rested (as I should! – it’s in my schedule) I have felt exhausted most of the evening;
- stalled in Freecell and Farmville land;
I did read more of the first draft of my autobiography. I could have finished it tonight but – as I wrote before – no focus and energy.
I am more than half way though and it’s a helluva good book!
I am totally reconnecting with little Judith (alas – Judy in those days). It’s amazing how some of the stuff I did and liked then I do and like now. Clearly, if there had been such a thing as Farmville then, I would have mastered all the levels at a very early age!
I like my passion then and I feel like I am reclaiming it now in Cycle 3.
Did I need to be so solitary? In many ways I still am. Was this due to the force of impression and circumstance, or am I just someone who mainly prefers my own company or a little time with just one person at a time?
I have little to say tonight. It is time for the caterpillar to fade to nothing so the butterfly can come in. My inward self is longing to wait and listen for what may be created newly. Forgive the shortness of this please! I am in gestation.
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