Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

Yesterday I wrote for the book and you will, of course, get to read that within the next few months – by May is our intention.

For the last week I have been fundraising with determination. WPIT provides me with lots of opportunities and lots of reasons to get more people involved and find lots of dollars. Right now it’s my most grounded way out of personal poverty.

So tonight I will just share my notes I use in constructing fundraising e-mails. The document they refer to is posted on
To a Canadian potential donor:
We spoke on the phone this morning. You said you would see if some of your friends (10?) would let me contact them about donating to World Peace through Inclusive Transformation.

I believe in and am giving my life to World Peace through Inclusive Transformation - WPIT, I noticed in 2006 that people become more peaceful when they take the journey to include diversity in their everyday lives. I have attached a document with lots of information, including our latest projects.

The most exciting project is that we are coding a 3-game series of video games where players do better in the game when they include diversity in the group of people who are playing AND reward diversity in the Zombie characters.

The money we raise is used for project development. the coding costs $80,000, and video development costs $7,000.

Money also goes to cover thousands of dollars each year of wages for my personal assistants – money that the government does not cover. This year I must raise $14,000 for this necessary expense alone.

One possible way to donate is to send a cheque to the Family Life Foundation. WPIT gets 85% of your money and you get a charitable receipt. Send the cheque to:

Family Life Foundation
c/o Lindsay King, Director
6 Kings Inn Trail
Thornhill, ON, L3T 1T7

Include in the memo: World Peace through Inclusive Transformation

The other way is to go to and click on "Donate". Follow the prompts I get 50% of your donation and YOU get 75% of your donation back as a tax credit when you file your income tax. More information is on their website.

Thank you for your consideration and generousity.
Warmly; Judith

To a potential US donor:
It is awkward to ask for donations, but I believe in and am giving my life to World Peace through Inclusive Transformation - WPIT, I noticed in 2006 that people become more peaceful when they take the journey to include diversity in their everyday lives. I have attached a document with lots of information, including our latest projects. The most exciting project is that we are coding a 3-game series of video games where players do better in the game by including something that is different about the characters and about other players.
The money we raise is used for project development. It also goes to cover thousands of dollars each year of wages for my personal assistants – money that the government does not cover. This year I must raise $14,000 for this necessary expense alone.
There are two things you can do to make a difference with WPIT, and my ongoing underfunding with my personal assistance.

First, make a list of people you think would be open to listening to a request for money to support my ongoing participation, and ask them if I can contact them. If they say "Yes", give me their contact information. I am attaching a brief about WPIT and its projects.

Secondly, send a check directed to the World Peace through Inclusion Tour to:
First Presbyterian Church of Savannah
c/o Barbara Bishop
520 Washington Avenue
Savannah, GA 31405-2323

Thank you!
(Let me know how much so I can budget, please.)
Warmly and Season’s Greetings; Judith

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